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Review: NEVER NEVER Part 1 By Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Category: Young Adult 
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 156

Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen.

Complete strangers since this morning.

He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget.

Rating: 3.5-4ish / 5 Stars


Okay, I don’t know where to start with this review because I literally cannot say the plot to this story without ruining it for you because I think it’s better going into this book blind.

I didn’t know much about this book aside from the authors, Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. I’m a huge fan of Colleen’s and I’ve heard so many great things about Tarryn, that I was really excited to pick this book up and read! I didn’t read any reviews on this book, nor did I really pay much attention to the synopsis… but I will tell you one thing, once you start, you won’t stop until you’re finished!

I was really confused when I first started reading, which makes sense, because both characters were really confused as well as to what was happening. I was instantly enthralled with this book from the start and was really interested in knowing what really was going on! 

The two characters, Charlie and Silas, were both very different. 
Charlie is very closed off and not really open to a whole lot of things. When she starts getting close to Silas, she pulls away and pretty much shuts down. It was hard to connect with her because I was frustrated with how she handled things most of the time. I wanted to shake her and tell her to stop and just go with how she feels. 
I loved Silas. Silas is such a sweet guy and goes out of his way for people. You could tell he was really genuine too. 

These two are really haunted by their pasts though. They don’t really like how they used to be, and you can see the struggle between the two of them as they figure everything out. 

The whole book (really, a novella), is spent putting the puzzle pieces together, although there is a lot missing from it. I was 3/4 of the way through and still just as confused as when I started it. Then, towards the end was a HUGE plot twist! Seriously, mind BLOWN. I couldn’t wait more than 5 minutes before starting the second one. 

Over all, I really loved this book! I finished the first and the second one in one sitting!

Part 2 review coming soon!

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