I’ve seen this tag floating around for awhile now and I LOVE it, so of course we just HAD to do it right?! We always have such NICE things to say, but sometimes we’re that little black sheep in the back going against the masses...and THAT'S OKAY! So today here is our Unpopular Opinions Book Tag! I believe the originator of this tag is Booktuber The Book Archer and her video can be seen here!
Okay I’m gonna go New Adult Romance for this answer and say The Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day. BLEECCH. I tried...I REALLY did. I quit halfway through book 3. It's just NOT FOR ME. i don’t like the characters, i don’t like the writing...the sexytimes scenes are LAUGHABLE...it's just wayyy to much for me to handle. People LOVE this series...but I just CAN'T get into it. Ick.
Honestly? The Fifth Wave. It’s the ONLY book I didn’t finish! I got about half way through before I called it quits. I think it was the style of writing that didn’t quite capture my attention. It flipped through so many characters, and I felt distracted most of the time.

Ooh, this is so difficult, but if I'm being completely honest: The Maze Runner series by James Dashner. I'm usually all for Dystopian books but this one...ugh, I couldn't even get past the first 100 pages! I can't even pinpoint one aspect of the book that I didn't like, because as a whole, it just wasn't for me. The writing, the world, the characters...I couldn't connect to any of it, and as a result, just could not finish the book! I did like the movie, though.
I meannnnn I feel like this is a tricky question…..I could go with easy and say Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey as they take a lot of hate but let's be honest they also have HUGE fandoms as well…..

I would also like to make a PREDICTION for this category and say that The Grisha Series by Leigh Bardugo is making me VERY NERVOUS. We’ll see how I feel once I finish the 3rd book...eeekk
An OTP that just never struck me was #MALEC (Alec and Magnus from The Mortal Instruments)….UNTIL THE SHOW! But in the books I just never had any real investment in it….SORRYYYY! I can hear you all cracking your knuckles in preparation for ANGRY COMMENTING right?

MY HEART. Im such a hopeless romantic, and I always fall for the OTP of the story. I guess for this one, I have to choose Celaena and Dorian from Throne of Glass! I just really don't like Dorian for some reason. I can't even pinpoint why, but something about him just irks me. I'm forever Team Captain of the Guard.

Western. Nope, I can't do it. Cowboys and the Wild West put me to sleep within seconds. Generally I read everything, but western is one genre I won't touch.

Ooh, this one is tough too. Probably Alina from the Grisha trilogy. She just wasn't a hero that I felt I could ever get behind, or fully back. Except for when she (spoiler alert) made out with the Darkling...probably the only time I ever supported her. ;)

Leigh Bardugo, maybe? Okay don't get me wrong, as a person I LOVE her. She's got such a cute, spunky personality and a wicked sense of style. But I was not crazy about Shadow and Bone, and I've started Six of Crows but I'm not really sold on it. I feel like she's really overhyped...oh man, I'm going to get crap for this one.

Oh I could go on and on about this!
1. INSTALOVE.2. The whole “I’m-an-innocent-female-employee-looking-for-a-hot-brooding-businessman-who's-a-sex-God”….. OVER done!
3. Love Triangles.
4. The “Perfect” female who everyone loves and thinks she could do no wrong.
I can't even answer this question without wanting to ram my head into a wall because I AM SO TIRED OF ALL YA STEREOTYPES. But to list a few: insta-love, innocent virgin girl makes big deal out of sex entire book then looses virginity at end of series, love triangles, female protagonists who are perfect and everyone loves them... I could go on and on, but I don't want this to turn into a rant.

I can't think of any series I'd never read, but I'll do one that I won't ever continue, which is the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. I loved Red Queen, but Glass Sword was terrible. I think this series is supposed to be like...5 books? Either way, I won't be continuing. I'll always love RQ, but it's sequels are a no-go for me.

I'm going to get so much hate for this, but The Hunger Games. Don't get me wrong, I loved the books a lot, but for some reason, I got more into the movies. The books made me love the story, but the movies made me fall head first into a stay-up-all-night-crying-over-the-fandom-on-tumblr state
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