guys! In honor of baseball, and my team (Royals, baby!) advancing on to the
World Series this year, this is going to be a special post just for them.
Me at a Royals game when I was a little
over a year old! (THAT HAIR LOL) |
Ever since I can remember, I've always been a Royals fan.
Growing up, my parents would always take us to almost every game at home each year. If we weren't at a game, then you can bet 100% that the game was always
on our TV. I remember my parents even had a plaque hanging above their bed of
the 1985 Royals roster - the year we last won the World Series. Being a
Royals fan wasn't always so pretty though. From 1994 to 2012, we've
watched them lose more games than they won. But watching our city's baseball
team brought everyone together for those 3 or so hours they played. Win or
lose, we've always been there to cheer them on.
last two years have been my favorite, to say the least. The feeling I get while
watching my whole city come together to all root for the same thing, is
something I can't even put into words. It seriously is so indescribable. I get
chills just thinking about it.
My parents, my boyfriend, and I at a
Royals game August 25, 2015 |
though we lost to the Giants last year in the 7th game by ONE run, we are
blessed to have yet another shot to bring home that crown. I've read articles
saying that another team should be in there since we had just played in the
World Series last year. I have a question though. Why? If you've watched a
Royals game, you'd know that they aren't just any baseball team - but a whole
family. And it isn't just the guys on the baseball team, its Kansas City too.
I couldn't be more proud of my boys in blue, as well as my beautiful home
called Kansas City.
course I wouldn't just leave without recommending an amazing book for you to
read. If you're a baseball fan too, then I think you'll love the book I'm about
to show you.
J. Sterling! I read this book about a year and a half ago, and fell in love
with the characters. And of course, it's about baseball! It's funny, charming,
a little bit of angst, and some parts will have you right on the edge of your
seat (kind of like a real baseball game would do to ya ;)).
not to mention miss J. Sterling herself, is such a sweet heart. I've had the pleasure
of meeting her a couple of times, and she has such an amazing energy to be
a game she never intended to play.
she's the game changer he never knew he needed.
The Perfect Game tells the story of
college juniors, Cassie Andrews and Jack Carter. When Cassie meets rising
baseball hopeful Jack, she is determined to steer clear of him and his typical
cocky attitude. But Jack has other things on his mind . . . like getting Cassie
to give him the time of day.
They are damaged, filled with mistrust
and guarded before they find one another (and themselves) in this emotional
journey about love and forgiveness. Strap yourselves for a ride that will not
only break your heart, but put it back together.
Sometimes life gets ugly before it gets
got fired from my last job.
know you're sitting there thinking, "Jenn, how could anyone in their right
mind fire someone like you?" And I'd love to give you a good reason, but
the truth is that sometimes being all sorts of awesome isn't fun for other
people. They don't always tend to like it. lol :)
I picked my pride off the floor, bought a laptop and started writing my first
book. And you know what I realized? Writing stories that meant something to me
was a million times better than working my ass off for someone who didn't really
care about anything other than the bottom line.
My soul has
never felt more satisfied.
My heart has never
been more full.
I've never worked so hard in my life, but I love every second of it. I truly
It is SO worth it.
of it.
journey it took to get to this point- I wouldn't change a thing.