Today we have a guest post from author Selene Jasper, along with a giveaway to celebrate the release of her book JASMINE! Check it out!
Orphaned and raised by her older sister Zandra, Jasmine Tremaine was taught to never trust anyone but herself. Longing to start a life of her own, free from Zandra's controlling nature, Jasmine returns to their parents' home town and finds herself rescued by Draven: the first man to make her feel safe. She soon finds out though that he owns a a dungeon - a sex club - and immediately worries that he is the exact kind of man her sister warned her not to trust, and certainly never to fall in love with. Draven Rowan is a Master without a submissive, and sees Jasmine as a caged animal desperate for escape. But will she be able to let go and take a chance on love and happiness? Could she trust the Dom in him to love and protect her? Or will she continue to struggle with her sister's trust issues?
Inspiration, what is it and where does it come from? That is the main question I am always asked. Well, there is no simple answer to this question. My inspiration comes from so many areas. It comes from watching the people around me, my life experiences, and weird thoughts that pop into my head, overheard conversations…so many different places. The world is made up of stories all you have to do is look for them.
A couple sitting across the restaurant are in a heated conversation. You see the looks on their faces contort showing all the emotion they are feeling. You watch how she wring the napkin her hand, a tear sparkles on the light as it is escapes her eyes and trickles down her cheek. There is a story right there. A broken promise, a broken heart. What is their story? Why is she crying? What are they fighting about? Will they fix the problem before they leave the table? Will one of them storm out? Or are they even fighting? Did something happen and she told him and he is angry because someone hurt her? Or is she scared that she may lose her job because this is her boss’s son? It could be a million different things, but it is yours to continue the story in your head.
I write mostly happily ever after stories, I like adding a real element to it all though. I like it coming from something I myself have experience. I have been told by many that I write in the raw. I write from a place of a hurt soul. Someone that has lived a life of heartache which is sadly true.
You see a young couple sitting on the bus in rags, are they homeless are they runaways? What is their story? You make it up. Find your voice. I love doing that. I take a notebook everywhere with me to do just that. I build from there. I get descriptions of people the way they look at each other. The way they touch each. The way they take in the world. I love making worlds for people, making up their lives as I see them through my eyes.
A good amount of the stories I write come directly from something I have endured. If you have been following my blog you will find that I love hard and fall even harder. The men in my life have broken me but they have also made me the strong woman I am today. And they have given me so much to write about that I can write for years.
So take inspiration from wherever you can, but your own life is a wonderful place to start. You as a person have endured and experienced more than you can imagine. And each person has a story to tell. It doesn’t have to be your complete story just bits and piece of your soul is good enough.

JM Schroder (aka Selene Jasper) launched her professional writing career in May of 2012. From a very early age she has loved to read and loved writing poetry and short stories. And then one day she woke up from a dream and she knew right then that it was this character talking to her and her first book came into existence. To date, she has released two books and is currently working on more in the original series. And has added three more series to her work-in-progress. As her full-time career and hobby, JM writes steamy urban fantasies and erotic romance.
JM was born and raised in Oregon. She has three children, dog and a bratty cat. She looks to everyday life for inspiration on her writing. She has many muses that also inspire her. She is forging her way as an author.
All while she is pursuing a degree in Computer Science/photography. She will continue to spend time plugging away at her keyboard putting the stories of her characters down on paper so that she can free up some space in her head.
When JM is not writing or plotting out her next story, JM loves spending time with her kids, reading, and planning her future which will include some hiking, camping, and fun times.
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