Today we have an exclusive excerpt and giveaway from WRITTEN IN INK by Carrie Ann Ryan! Make sure you check it all out!
A Brand New Full Length Novel in the Bestselling Montgomery Ink Series where the quiet, inked Montgomery finds his match in the woman with a fiery passion and a past full of secrets.

There’s nothing worse for a writer than missing a deadline. For Griffin Montgomery, his failure to do what he loves comes at a blow. He didn’t understand how it was affecting his life until his well-meaning family intercedes. His sisters have hired him a new personal assistant and he’s outraged—that is, until he sees who it is.
Autumn Minor is light on her feet and a bare memory for most people she meets. She does her best to blend in everywhere she lives, even if it’s only for a short period of time. Making sure no one truly notices her is the only way she’s survived this long. Only when she meets Griffin and the rest of the Montgomerys, she’s afraid she won’t be able to let go when its time to run.
Though the two begin a tentative but explosive relationship, they know it can’t last forever. Neither of them are made for the long haul when it comes to love and romance. When the demons from Autumn’s past find her and put both their lives at risk, Griffin will stop at nothing to protect her. In the end, though, he’ll be the one who needs a second chance.
“What are you going to do for me? Hold my hand when I try to write?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, get over yourself, writer boy. I’m not going to look over your shoulder while you try to put words on paper because, hell, I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to writing. But I can help you with other things. First, your place is a mess. How you can breathe in here is beyond me. And I hope to God you bring your dates to their homes or a hotel or something because one look at this house and they’d run screaming.”
She shut her mouth, her eyes widening. She so did not need to think of him with his dates. Now, she could only imagine him naked above his date—who happened to be her, of course—sliding in and out of her oh so slowly, his gaze on hers, never breaking contact. He’d flex his ass as he slowly tilted his hips up, fucking her with such a sweet seduction that she’d come achingly long over his cock before he filled her, groaning her name as he fell off the high cliff along with her.
Her cheeks burned, and Griffin tilted his head, studying her. “I don’t bring my dates here. But I’d pay a whole hell of a lot to find out what just went through your mind just then, Fall.”
That brought her out of her embarrassment. “Fall? Really? Are you like twelve? I thought you were a writer. Can’t you come up with something a bit more clever?”
“I could, but I like the look on your face when I say it. It’s a mix of annoyance and laughter that I can’t quite place. So you’re stuck with that if you’re not going to just go away.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“Fine. But I don’t know what cleaning my house will do. I’m still not bringing dates here because this is my place. The one you’re currently invading. And while I’m here, I need to work, yet I don’t think you cleaning will help with that.”
“It couldn’t hurt.” The word invading irked her, but she ignored it. He’d just have to get over himself.
“You’d think. But I fired the other cleaning services because they messed with my writing time.”
“Put on headphones, then. Because I’m cleaning. And cooking because you can’t survive on coffee, takeout, and the occasional meal at a family member’s for long. You’re in your thirties. You need to take care of yourself.”
From the look of his body, good genes and working out helped, but the damn man needed vitamins, as well.
Enough thinking about his body.
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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan never thought she’d be a writer. Not really. No, she loved math and science and even went on to graduate school in chemistry. Yes, she read as a kid and devoured teen fiction and Harry Potter, but it wasn’t until someone handed her a romance book in her late teens that she realized that there was something out there just for her. When another author suggested she use the voices in her head for good and not evil, The Redwood Pack and all her other stories were born.
Carrie Ann is a bestselling author of over twenty novels and novellas and has so much more on her mind (and on her spreadsheets *grins*) that she isn’t planning on giving up her dream anytime soon.
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